Villa houses Dunovsky

Dunovského street, Prague 11

The new construction of an apartment building, which will be created instead of already unsuitable buildings in Dunovského Street, brings a hitherto little-used approach to collective housing, so-called cohousing, in the Czech Republic. "Community living and other innovative forms of housing can be a good and adventurous way to live at least in part a more sustainable way of life (and even in the countryside if residents without their own garden can share the courtyard) and how to use the great potential of cooperation , assistance and efficient sharing of space and resources. "

Villas are designed in accordance with modern trends in cohousing, which is gaining strength again and a very strong individuality is thus replaced by sharing and cooperation. As was the case with the original building, which now stands on the site. Collective housing from the 1930s is thus replaced by its most up-to-date form.

In line with current trends, environmentally friendly approaches are used in the design as much as possible.

Project website:

  • modern cohousing trend
  • environmentally friendly approach

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